Sermon on the Mount - The Philosophy


Last night I had the Bible Study Group and we discussed about Sermon on the Mount. First of all, Jesus spoke on the mount where was no electricity, microphone, or sound system. However, Jesus' voice reaches into people's heart. Therefore, Jesus was followed by a lot of people on the Mount.

Second, Jesus taught something that never been taught of. Jesus are with sinners, poor people, people who are helpless. His teaching speaks to us, why us Jesus Followers are different with the rest of the world. Therefore, no wonder, if sometimes I feel like a geek or very different compare to people around me. 

Third, these are several points of what Jesus' taught on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12)

  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
  2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted
  3. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth
  4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled 
  5. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy
  6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God
  7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
  8. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


If you read these 8 teachings, you may say that they are irrational, and not related one to each other. Out of logic, you may say. However, what I learned from Jesus' sermon on the Mount, it gives humanity a hope for a better future. 

Life is full of uncertainty. None can give you any guarantee that everything will be turn out well, or run as your planned ahead. Even the insurance policy still has a term and condition applied or force major policy, LOL. However, with Jesus, by faith, we are running our time and endeavors with positive mindset that everything will turn out to be okay, as long as we do what God wishes.

Today we might cry, but later on, we will comforted and learn lesson from it. Today we might be humiliated or people let us down, but we learn about humility and forgiveness because of Jesus. Today we might be hungry and have no money at all, but somehow, a way out is prepared by God. We do not have bad intention on people, Jesus protects us and shows us good friends and circle. People spoke ugly about Jesus or being Christians, we learned to accept that the Holy Spirit and this wisdom is for the chosen ones.

Be The Jesus Follower

I would say that becomes Jesus follower is never easy. You will be different from people of the World. Some people might think you are crazy, weirdo, illogical, and why to bother yourselves to follow some rules made by this unseen person. 

However, like my post I was the Lost Sheep, I was lost. However, now I want To be Planted. The way I take decisions is different now. I usually pray and ask God, what shall I do, and ask the Holy Spirit to help me deliver what I meant in words, and to bless the another person (whom I am going to meet), to let that person understands the true intention of my words.

To be a Jesus follower is to know Him personally and it includes to pray, read His Words, read bible, join a bible studies, have a place to ask and discuss your thoughts, and having the supportive community, and the most difficult thing is: to do what God asks you to do, even though it is not easy or against your ego.

But why we bear with it? Because we understand that Jesus has His unconditional love for all people in the World, each one of us. But, do you even recognize Him as your savior? I pray may the Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom to understand this truth. 

Having Jesus in my life giving me strength. Nothing to worry about. My task is to do my best for God's purpose. In this part I am still being tested. 

Jakarta, 2 June 2022

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