Into the Writings

Pain, to force myself keep checking if there is any grammar error in my writing. Challenge, today should post at least one writing. Happy, when I see the beautiful posts in my Friska Notes. These mixed up feeling give me more confidence to figure out that probably I'm into writing :)
However, this 29 days spent with lack of sleeping, because of my perfection in grammar writing. I keep checking and rechecking my posts for hours, hahaha. Every thing seems in hurry because I have my deadline to write one post per a day for BPN Challenge.
Anyway, do not be worry, after this BPN Challenge, you would find me keep writing in Friska Notes and update more posts in Pustakawan Mendunia. Writing has been a part of me and my vision in the future. You would see me around :)
Let me share with you 5 website I frequently use to support my writings in blog.
Let me share with you 5 website I frequently use to support my writings in blog.
The Sources of Inspiration
As a writer, sometimes we get inspired by events around us or something which we read or watched. I would like to share the top 5 website which help me to learn surrounding and improve my writing better :
1. Wikipedia
Almost everything you do not understand, you always can ask Wikipedia. As a librarian, I know the sources of Wikipedia is not 100% reliable. Wikipedia is a source where anyone could submit, add, or edit any information inside, whatever that person capacity is. Wikipedia contents authority is not clear, if we see it from Library and Information Studies perspective.
However, one strength that I admire from Wikipedia is the their simplify text written. Several times while I was looking for a "scientific based" explanation about a term, the official resources provided the "heavy" description. Vice versa, Wikipedia able to explain it smoothly using common words and direct to the point.
Let me promote Wikipedia as a warm up reading to help us understand some ideas, and I suggest you the develop those ideas more through the official website resources :)
2. Ted Talk
I seldom watch TV. I only watch TV for Mata Najwa in Trans7 every Wednesday night. Just in case in the other day I watch TV, I will put it into music channel. I have no time to watch TV and btw I hate watch news. You do not mistakenly read this, yes I hate watch news. I found there is no good news in television, since people in media believe bad news is a good news.
So that watching Ted Talk is really entertaining and inspiring for me. What is Ted Talk? It's channel where you could meet and share ideas in communities around the world. People sharing wisdom channel, that's for the brief explanation of it.
Ted Talk's theme contents are various and so wide, from social to science, from psychology to Extraterrestrial life. The speakers come from many nations who work on their passions with no tirelessly, they still continue to make miracles thorough their life for others.
For the whole world they might be no one, but for people around them, they are the world to make a change. Watching videos in Ted Talk will put you into positive vibe, and motivate us to think what we could do to be a part of making human, human.
Kindness, love, and hope are still exist in this world :)
Kindness, love, and hope are still exist in this world :)
3. Thesaurus
Yippee, we got into my favourite part, it is thesaurus. First time I know thesaurus is when I was in junior high school. I really like to see how beautiful vocabulary words we have. Both working for Thesaurus in English and Bahasa Indonesia. They enrich my words in writings :)
4. Dictionary
Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Daring
Dictionary is essentials for us, writers, to make sure we understand the definition of a new term or given by thesaurus previously. Furthermore, has an application available in android and they provide us a word of a day. If you read and remember this word, for sure after 365 days you would add new 365 words.
Everyday choose a fancy word and share us the history of that word, and a quote made by that words. If you like to read and playing words like me, you might have fun with it :)
Our savior in knowledge! Google Translate was launched on 28 April 2006 as a machine translation and even they improved it as a "tap" mode. If you read a not English website, this tap will show up on your screen. All you have to do is: tap and choose language translation you prefer from 130+ choices.
Most important thing is: it's FREE.
God bless you full, the most Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Google Team! You make us able to access knowledge in the world for free :)
Share the Enthusiasm
People said a good writer is a good reader, but does it implement vice versa? These five essentials website I mentioned above, been there for years, but not everyone 'lucky' enough to write. Writing is a calling.
I would love to share the encouragement of writing through my Friska Notes and Pustakawan Mendunia. If by the time you reach this page, I would be very happy if you happen to be a writer also. Please do not hesitate to leave comment and share your blog address.
Batam, 18 December 2018
Wah saya baru tahu soal tesaurus
Asyik kak, coba deh pakai tesaurus, masuk websitenya. Bermain kata-kata indah.. :)
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