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How Great is Our God! |
Dear faithful readers,
Today sermon in the church, our pastor shared about knowing God personally. Sometimes, people tend to have basic questions about God, like this :
- Who we are?
- Who created us?
- What is our life purpose on Earth?
It means that person doesn't know God yet. Then how to know God better and closer in your life? No other way than reading the bible, keep praying, and learned from the life itself.
Once I have a friend who asked me, who is God? Which God is right? Since my friend is not Christian-based, I didn't know what to answer at that time. I suggested him to meet his religion leader, instead. Moreover, that question still there, haunted me until recently I met my priest in Batam. Furthermore, I met this possibly-turn-into-eros-love-man who really completely changed my life! Now lets discuss about how to know God personally and if I may say, all what happened in my life is the one who shaped me up as today's me.
Too many stories to share, full of enlightenment memory where I believe everyone's story also interesting to be shared with others, right? Lets do it in next writings if the inspiration struck me with luck, or just do it offline hehehe. You may ask me out to grab a coffee and sharing story about life. Anyway I believe that full of painful life in our past will become our lesson in life, to test us, to get us closer to the mighty God.
Thus, read the title of this post once again, "To Know God Personally." We have the word, "Personally". As per today, I joined 3 Whatsapp Groups in relation with church and Christianity but terribly said, honestly I felt troubled. They keep sharing the long to read Whatsapp Message Broadcast where I felt in a blame if I didn't read it and rarely replied for the sender. This message is not for once in a week but almost every day, thank you for caring me so much, friends. However, I love bible words and to know Jesus more, but this broadcast message didn't feel personal. They send it to everyone, the same content without realise or know the message receiver personally.
Read this, I am a person who is really like to help others in my capacity. If I can be a help, I will. But that person shall open a space for me to get in, we know each other personally, not only know who is he or other common information background, but we know what problem we faced or struggled at the moment. When I read something could be (personally) motivate that person, could cheer him up, and be an inspiration for him, definitely I am going to share that good news to him. It because I know him personally, vice versa.
Moreover I also reflected with myself, do I overshare to do it in my facebook? Usually every Sunday, I shared the bible words I get from the church. I think positively, it might inspired people or can give people positive mind. However, I thought after this reflection, there is no use if I just share the good news from bible randomly. Way much better to send it personally to whoever you think might be need it. So that, for a while (I don't know yet until when) I would not send any update status in facebook when I do my devotional time to God or when I go to the church. I am going to send the bible words only for anyone whom I know personally, to make sure it is useful and be a blessing for the readers.
Meanwhile, if you have questions about God, as I do, it is now time for you to reflect about life, read bible, prioritise your devotional time reading bible, pray a lot to God. May you find the experience meeting God personally as I do and keep the faith until the end road of our life journey.
Jesus loves you, always! God bless.
Batam, 30 September 2018, 10.20 WIB