Having No Debt of Gratitude

For what happened 2 years ago, I learned that I need to separate working matter with private life. Work is work, and our life (outside the school) is supposed to be private.

I decide to move out from the house I rented for a year. The contract shall be ended at the end of this June. However, money is no longer my concern because we are talking about my life at risk here. No need to be a whining child, asking a favor, or help from someone in my working circumstance. They are out of this.

I prefer to depend on myself, taking the safest decision in the matter of life. Thank you Jesus for this lifetime lesson, to learn not to have a debt of gratitude on humans but you.

I purposely write this post (after a quite long time) as a note to my self, to remember this lesson, to cherish myself who choose to having dignity in my life. I love me and have a respect on myself.

That's all I can say.

Batam, 6 February 2021

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