William Albert Audrey, or other last name such as Andrew or Ardlay is the key character in Candy Candy manga. He was the first character in manga whom I read, and I fell in love with him. He is a dream prince for me. Lucky me at least my prince charming is not like ordinary prince who riding the white horse hahaha. Albert is a free will man, kind hearted, love animals, caring, sweet, and the plus side, he is very very handsome :)

Candy Candy is a story written by Kyoko Mizuki (Keiko Nagita) and the illustration drew by Yumiko Igarashi. First written as a novel, made as manga, then animation. Too bad, there's a conflict between the author and the illustrator so that Candy Candy is out of print. You only can read manga or watch the anime in the last edition. Lucky me, I've collected all 8 from 9 Candy series. Still looking for the number 2. I've missed that number :( I think I will not write a lot about Candy stories here. Because what I want to write right now is about my prince charming William Albert Audrey HAHAHA.

Albert met Candy firstly when Candy was 3 years old, at the the Pony Hill. After that, they both met again in forest near Lakewood where Candy run away from child abuse at her 'foster' parents. Albert helped Candy who almost drown in the lake. He later became Candy foster parent but nobody know the truth until the end of the story. Moreover Albert always appears in the right time and the right place when Candy needed help. He is a gentleman and will make us the reader feel deep sympathy for him hihihi. End of Candy story shows us that Candy and Albert seems will have a
furthermore relationship, not as a foster parent and foster child anymore. The story is ended by the fact that Albert is Candy's first love, and I do support that :)) I think no other men will be suitable for Candy, who can accept her and her life sorrow as much as Albert does.
The writer is ended the story just like that without other explanation. That's why the readers such as me, are very curious to know how the story really end. What is Mizuki real idea about the ending. Too bad because of the authority problems, Mizuki is not in a very good mood for writing anymore about Candy :( She wants to get over that. And we all the fans who also suffering here. Thanks to you Irigashi!!! Some fans then, try to make their own fan fiction about Candy. Too bad not many people support Candy-Albert relationship :((
A lot more who support Candy-Terry relationship, even though the manga said that Candy-Terry relationship is ended. Another brokenhearted fan fiction stories even make Albert-Eleonor (Terry's mom) relationship. How could you!!! The other try to make Albert meets other mate which is very similar to Candy's character. I think this one is more appropriate than Albert-Eleonor relationship!!
I read a lot of Candy fan fictions, especially the stories which tell about Albert-Candy hahahaha. But it only in the little amount. Also information about Albert in manga is not very detailed because he is a mysterious man in the manga itself. I had a pretty hard information searching to find more about Albert and his pictures. It looks like the fans in Spain and Japan who made a pretty good writing about Albert and more history about Audrey family. Thanks to Google Translate that help me to understand the information basically. You can check
here to know more about Albert.
Name: William Albert Audrey / William Albert Andrew/ William Albert Ardlay
Date of birth: June 28, 1890
Hair Color: golden yellow
Eye color: blue sapphire
Height: 1.85 cm
Weight: 75 kg.
Figure: athletic.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
It has chosen the year of birth, depending on the age of majority (21 years in the U.S.) required for the character might take to Candy, who was 13 at the time of adoption: 1911. So Albert and Candy should be a minimum of eight years. That understanding that adoption is after June 28, 1911. Candy identity data provided by Mizuki in 1977 for the magazine Nakayoshi.
Albert is the heir to the clan Audrey, unique from all branches of the family, which bears the name. He is responsible for the management and conservation of all heritage of Audrey, as well as assume the leadership of the house, until then held by Elroy. In manga, Albert right hand for Audrey business is George, and their sudden disappearance, probably due to a business, others by the desire to travel.
He is a man of independent character. He loves nature, animals, freedom in general and humans in particular.
It is peaceful, courageous, honest and a person of unimpeachable morals. Quite far from the stereotype of a gentleman conservative early twentieth century, a liberal man today, the champion of equality between men and women, environmentalist, but undeniably romantic and chivalrous. His parents died in unspecified circumstances, and the only person close to him of a certain age is Elroy, petty woman, ambitious, and a moral full of prejudice. All this makes us think that education is falling out of love and its future liability, which leads him to fill the emotional gaps through his love of wildlife.
Anyway, the funny thing is some fans have a pretty wild imagination. We hope that someday Candy Candy can be filmed. And the nomination for Albert cast are : Brad Pitt and Hugh Grant hahaha :)) Like that very much!!
Just for fun, here are some other fans imagination:
Drew Barrymore as Candy
Tom Welling as Anthony
Anne Hathaway as Annie
Ashton Kucher as Archie
Daniel Ratcliffe as Stea
Nicole Kidman as Eleonor
Nice right?? hihihihi Anyway, here are some interesting links whom you can try to read on about Albert:
Happy reading :)))