How Deep You Could Fall?

The Fallen

Adam and Eve once created perfectly but ruined everything by doing sin and exiled out The Garden of Eden. Since then, every human was born with sin, each of us. You might not believe in God or religion, and you may don't get this concept. Who decide and verify that every baby in the world is sinful and needed to be burn in hell? 

Not one knows and could verify except you die, meet God (if any), either you arrive in Heaven or Hell, and return to be alive to give testify for us :) This is not how I interpret sin. Sin is human tendency to do evil. 

What is evil? When you do something which is not right (not based on what Bible said).

Each of us has same opportunity to do wrong, and fall in bad action or habit. One quote that I read, and I really like it so that I remember it (I rarely remember a quote) : You may do wrong, but we always have the eraser to fix it.

You may say to people of the world that you are living a fine-good looking lifestyle but deep inside you keep asking whether this is right or not. You asked what happiness is, and you think by having temporary relationship, friendship, or just hanging around in that cafe could makes you feeling as someone.

It is not.

When you ask what happiness is, actually you are not happy. People who are happy, they just happy not even thinking and sunk in their mind, asking : whether they are happy or not.

Feeling Alone

People who say they are OK alone, actually the one who is lonely. Why I am so confident with this statement and writing. I was part of it. Please make a note, I use past tense here, yes, it was in the past. 

Horrible things could be happened to anyone but actually how you react it will define who you are and how you will solve the problem. Will you give up, and let it be, just like that or you will stand, defend or yourself, and make a point this is me and I will survive.

Feeling alone and not loved is something that actually hurt people's heart. Decades, I felt alone, not loved, I need to make sure I am taking myself very well, I have to survive in this evil world. Until I released all anger in the past, asked forgiveness for people whose I hated the most, and keep praying how God could touch my heart to make it softer.

There is always HOPE

By time, I realise, the tiny witty me, a little dust in this universe, whose unimportant, not matter to the world, is LOVED by The Almighty God! God's love is so magnificent, so that he died on the cross to redeem people's sins. It's for people's sin not only for selective believers. Moreover Jesus comes to the world for the sinful people. 

God's love is releasing me from pain, anger, revengeful, worry, and guilty. There is always hope for you who want to overcome the painful past to brighter and blessed life. Nothing as greater as God's love to God's love to human.

Your Choice

The second chance is always here for us. 
The question now is : Do you want to leave that old path?

Batam, 22 May 2019

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