When Money is not Everything

Hi readers it's a very long time no see and no write in this blog. Let you know that since 1st December 2011, I just moved out from my second place for working to my third place. Before I tell you about my third place for working, let me give a little bit introduce about this my second place.

My second place for working is an oil and gas company where the salary rate is higher from average company. Lets say the medium level contract workers there have a same salary rate with a manager in other company (a non oil and gas company). So lets say the biggest temptation for working in this place is money.

After working for an apprentice program in this company, I realize that salary is not everything. I do acknowledge that we need money for living but for my own standard, I need a place where I can feel safe about my working status and future. I worried about my future where the company couldn't give any statement or even promise about that. So when my 6 months apprentice program is ended-and extended for 3 months working contract, I decide not to ask my boss about my renewal contract, and looked for another job 1 month before it is ended.

Honestly, I do love working there, the workers are friendly and they are seemed enjoying their work (and the paycheck also). But like I said before, I think it's not enough for me (not the amount of money but the future of my working status). More problems, that my core competency, Library and Information Science--where I work there as a librarian is not the main interest of an oil and gas company. So, just my brief sight or supertitious alert that my division, the library could get erased easily from the company structure in the future.

So many worries and it keeps drive me to move out from the company as soon as possible. And in the middle of my task in library last november, somehow I can manage my time to attend some interviews for new job, and voila I just accepted in a new place, a new different kind of job, and this time it's not a librarian. I will tell more about this new job in future posts. But in this meantime, let me say thank you very much for my second place for working.... I learned a lot, to work hard in discipline, could manage my time finish the tasks before deadline, makes me get usual to wake up early in morning (the company working hours is from 7 am to 4 pm)--before I NEVER wake up at 5 am, and of course for other benefits such as the trips go outside Jakarta for meetings and farewell party. Gonna miss this place but yeah, I have to move on looking for more opportunities to keep myself develop. Good bye and thank you. See you somewhere sometime.

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